Certification Test Procedures

Important Notice: To become a full member of Arab Professional Translators Society, you are required to take our certification examination. Please read the following carefully:

  1. Translator/Interpreter completes the Certification Test Application Form to apply for the test. The applicant's CV must be uploaded with the form. APTS Member Services may request other information or documentation as may be required. All candidates for the certification test must meet education and experience prerequisites. Candidates for ACCREDITED MEMBERSHIP must hold a BACHELOR DEGREE AS A MINIMUM, and must provide proof of education and work experience. Candidates for ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP must have at least FOUR years of experience in translation and/or interpreting.

  2. Candidates must also carefully read our Code of Ethics.

  3. Accredited members are university graduates who pass our certification test.

  4. Associate members are professional translators with at least 4 years of experience in translation/interpreting who pass our certification test.

  5. Upon accreditation, accredited and associate members receive digital certificates hosted on ArabTranslators.org, FREE OF CHARGE.

  6. APTS Member Services find the nearest examiner to the Translator’s/Interpreter’s location.

  7. APTS Member Services contact the Examiner to check availability and set up an appointment.

  8. APTS Member Services selects test questions commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications and experience, and sends a test link to the examiner, Test duration is one (1) hour. A fee of US $ 50 is payable to the Certification Examiner, for his/her time and effort. In addition, a test processing fee of US $ 35 is payable to APTS.

  9. If an examiner is not available in your city/country, you can take the test online. Test supervision in this case is via WhatsApp or Skype. The test fee of US $ 50 is paid to APTS.

  10. Examiner administers the test. Examiner provides a PC, dictionaries and an Internet connection. Alternatively, the Translator/Interpreter may also use his/her own portable PC, and may use any media/knowledgebase he/she normally uses at his place of work.

  11. When the translator/interpreter clicks SUBMIT at the end of the test, all members of the APTS Examination Committee receive a copy.

  12. Members of the APTS Examination Committee notify APTS Member Services of the test results (PASS/FAIL), who in turn inform the translator/interpreter.

  13. In the event an objection is raised by the Translator/Interpreter on test results, the objecting translator/interpreter contacts APTS Member Services.

  14. Any communication related to test results or the testing process must be addressed to APTS Member Services only. Committee Members and Translators/Interpreters taking the test may not communicate directly.

    Any communication related to test results or the testing process must be addressed to APTS Member Services only. Committee Members and Translators/Interpreters taking the test may not communicate directly.

    Important Notice: Please note that the laws of all Arab countries require certified legal translators to pass government tests. Certificates issued by all types of associations and societies do not entitle translators to open their own translation offices. To obtain a translation office/agency license in your country, please contact the government department concerned.

    Online Accreditation Testing

     To make things easier for our members until the COVID-19 crisis subsides, we will provide online testing via Zoom, with a few simple rules:

     - Please set up your camera and microphone to show that you are alone in the room.

     - Always stay within the Camera field to allow the examiner to monitor the test environment.

     - You can use any online resources, but you will have to share your screen with the examiner.

     - You can use any printed dictionaries and/or glossaries.

     - Downloadable PDF digital certificates are issued and posted on our website.