APTS Bylaws

Article (1)

Name and Legal Status

Arab Professional Translators Society (APTS), is a not-for-profit organization, headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon.

Article (2)


A)        The purposes of APTS are:

1.         To promote the recognition of Arabic translation and interpreting professions;

2.         To promote the communication and dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of Arabic translators and interpreters;

3.         To formulate and maintain standards of professional ethics, practices and competence;

4.         To stimulate and support the education and training of Arabic translators and interpreters;

5.         To manage and fund scholarship programs designed to provide higher education for talented Arabic translators and interpreters;

6.         To manage and fund award programs designed to provide incentives to outstanding Arabic translators and interpreters;

7.         To manage and fund research and development in the fields of Arabic translation and interpreting;

8.         To develop and disseminate uniform terminology and assist in the creation of a uniform terminology organization under the umbrella of the Arab League or any other inter-Arab organization;

9.         To provide professional testing and certification of Arabic translators and interpreters; and

10.       To assist members in finding full or part time employment and freelance translation and interpreting work.

B)        APTS shall strive to achieve those purposes by different means, including without limitation, publishing books, periodicals, dictionaries, reports, research, and Internet websites; holding meetings, conferences, symposia and workshops; supporting educational and accreditation programs; maintaining good working relationships with professional organizations; working actively with educational institutions and public and private sector entities; and carrying out any other activities to achieve and serve its purposes.

Article (3)


A)        Membership: As a prerequisite, all members are required to be holders of a Bachelor degree or equivalent, as a minimum, and must take the APTS certification examination in translation and/or interpreting from and/or to Arabic. Membership of Arab Professional Translators Society is lifetime. It shall consist of three classes:

1.         Certified Translator: Any Arabic translator who meets qualification requirements and satisfactorily passes the APTS translator certification examination.

2.         Certified Interpreter: Any Arabic interpreter who meets qualification requirements and satisfactorily passes the APTS interpreter certification examination.

3.         Certified Translator and Interpreter: Any Arabic translator and interpreter who meets qualification requirements and satisfactorily passes the APTS translator and interpreter certification examination.

B)        Dues: The annual dues and payment terms for all classes of membership shall be established by the Board of Directors.

C)        Application for Membership: Applications for membership shall be submitted to APTS President at the APTS Headquarters by email, fax or letter. The APTS President shall process all applications for membership, arrange for certification testing, and inform applicants of the status of their applications. All queries, concerns and/or grievances related to the application process shall be directed to the APTS President.

D)        Disciplinary Action: Unethical or unprofessional conduct in violation of the APTS Professional Code of Ethics, willful misconduct in the performance of services, and misrepresentation or fraudulent statements in the membership application form, may cause suspension or expulsion from membership. All disciplinary action shall be proposed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors by a two-thirds vote.

Article (4)

Board of Directors, President and Officers

A)        Number: The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) elected officers, each of whom shall be referred to as “Director” or “Member of the Board of Directors”. Elections shall be held in each country under the supervision of Certification Examiners. All APTS member translators and interpreters shall be entitled to vote. Each member shall have one vote. Voting will be done electronically over the APTS website. Results shall be announced within twenty-four (24) hours after closing.

B)        Term: The term of the Board of Directors shall be three (3) years. Directors shall be eligible for reelection. However, no director may serve more than two consecutive terms.

C)        President: The Board shall select one of its members as President of Arab Professional Translators Society, for a term to end at end of the term of the Board of Directors. No President may serve more than one full term. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the APTS and shall be responsible for the operation and day-to-day activities of the APTS. The President may select officers to assist him/her in the performance of his/her functions, including a Secretary, Treasurer, Accountant, Administrator, and/or other officers as he/she deems necessary, but subject to the limits of the annual budget which is approved in advance by the Board of Directors.

D)        Meetings and Quorum: Board meetings shall be held once a month by teleconference or over the Internet. All members of the Board of Directors shall attend in person or by Proxy. The Proxy shall be another Director. The President shall prepare the agenda of the Board meeting and shall coordinate all pre- and post- Board meeting processes, including without limitation, preparation and distribution of minutes of meetings, implementation of Board resolutions, arranging for processing governmental requirements, coordinating with accountants, preparation of financial statements, as well as other administrative activities.

E)        Voting: Each member of the Board of Directors shall have an equal vote. In the event a Director cannot attend a Board meeting for any reason, other than a vacancy, the Director shall appoint one of the other attending members as proxy to vote on his/her behalf. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the President shall have the sole discretion of deciding whether voting should be postponed until a replacement Director is elected.

F)         Vacancy: When a vacancy occurs on the Board of Directors for any reason whatsoever, a replacement Director shall be elected within 15 days after the date of occurrence of the vacancy.

G)        Committees: The Board of Directors may create any committees as may be deemed necessary to meet the objectives of the Board of Directors and APTS. Board Committee members may be Directors, other APTS members, or persons who are not APTS members, to be selected at the Board’s sole discretion. Each Board Committee shall be chaired by the APTS President or by a Committee member designated by the President. However, the President shall vote on the decision(s) of the Committee, after consideration of the recommendation of his/her designee.

H)        Removal: Any Director, Board Committee Member, the APTS President, or any other APTS officer appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed from office by a two-third majority vote of the Board of Directors. Voting on the removal of the APTS President shall be by the unanimous vote of all remaining six (6) members of the Board of Directors. Officers appointed by the President may be removed from office by the President at the President’s sole discretion.

Article (5)


The Headquarters of the APTS shall be in the President’s city of residence throughout the entire term of office of the President.

Article (6)

Amendment of Bylaws

These Bylaws are written by the Founders of Arab Professional Translators Society, to provide guidance pending election of the first APTS Board of Directors. Members of the first Board of Directors shall be required, as soon as practicable after their election, to write and agree upon the final Bylaws.